#6 – Visit Meow Wolf and ride the Santa Fe Railroad. Check.

It’s April and I haven’t blogged at all so it’s time to post several updates to my annual bucket list. The bad news (for me) is that some of my anticipated goals are already shoved aside or postponed until another time, but the good news is that we also booked a trip to Sweden this summer so surely I will have to add some new things to the list.

In the meantime, we just returned from a week in Santa Fe, New Mexico where I got to check off two unique experiences from my list. A lot of people were surprised that we chose Santa Fe for spring break (and even we couldn’t figure out exactly why we picked it) but keep in mind that we booked the trip back in November when the pandemic was still raging and we needed something low-maintenance.

After visiting Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart in Las Vegas, I knew that I had to visit the original site of Meow’s Wolf House of Eternal Return. Frankly there’s no way to really describe what it’s like to visit Meow Wolf, except to say that it bends the mind with an overwhelming amount of sensory experiences that are akin to getting brainwashed. We couldn’t believe that we spent two full hours touching walls, winding through corridors and trying to decipher hidden meanings of every space. And I also wouldn’t want to spoil it for anyone who plans to visit, so all I can say is that it was totally worth the $40 ticket.

The other (less exciting) thing we did was ride on the Santa Fe Railroad for a “Sunset Serenade.” There wasn’t a whole lot to do in Santa Fe (wandering around shops and galleries was only a one-day thing for us) so riding the railroad to the middle of nowhere to see the sunset while drinking a cocktail sounds like a prequel to my apocalyptic dreams.

We weren’t sure what to expect, but I wasn’t surprised to discover that basically everyone on the train was 20 – 30 years older than we were. Nonetheless, it was a boisterous (and even rowdy) group. The train attendants hosted the bar and frequently checked on us for refills and snacks, and overall it was a fun way to explore without being stuck in a car. Here’s the quick video I made:


One of my goals is also to go on a monthly getaway (since we were stuck at home so much the last two years) so I’m considering Santa Fe my getaway for March. I’ll post about January, February and April soon.

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